East Devon, And Especially Sidmouth, With Its Coastal Location And Typically Mild Climate, Experiences Its Fair Share Of Rain Aka “Liquid Sunshine”. It Needs SUDS!
On average, we can expect around 1,000mm of rain to fall on each square metre (33 inches/square yards) to fall on your roof or garden every year. That’s a lot of water!
While this rainfall is essential for our environment, it can also pose challenges if not managed effectively.
The solution for both residential and commercial properties is SUDS. SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems), can be designed into your project and offers a low cost, practical and environmentally friendly solution to rainfall. By slowing down the flow of rainwater, SUDS help to prevent flooding, reduce pollution, and create a more resilient environment.
Understanding the Benefits of SUDS
Incorporating SUDS into your garden or property brings a host of advantages:
- Flood prevention: By reducing the volume of water entering drains, SUDS help to alleviate the pressure on the drainage system, reducing the risk of flooding and CSO (Combined Sewer Outfall) problems.
- Improved water quality: Rainwater can pick up pollutants as it runs off hard surfaces. SUDS help to filter this water, improving water quality in rivers and streams.
- Enhanced biodiversity: Many SUDS features, such as ponds and rain gardens, improve biodiversity and create valuable habitats for wildlife.
- Reduced water bills: Capturing rainwater in water butts can significantly reduce your reliance on mains water, saving you money. It can be used for watering gardens, topping up ponds and even washing your car.
- Increased property value: A well-maintained property with SUDS features can enhance its overall appeal and possibly its market value.
SUDS Solutions Tailored to Sidmouth
Given East Devon’s coastal location and the potential for heavy rainfall, certain SUDS techniques are particularly suitable:
- Rain gardens: These can be incorporated into new builds or retrofitted into existing gardens by creating a shallow depression and planting suitable vegetation. They needn’t be permanently water filled but are often more like a bog garden. An alternative is a swale which we discuss later.
- Permeable paving: This can be used for new driveways and patios or installed over existing surfaces, provided the base is suitable.
- Green roofs: While more suited to new builds, green roofs can sometimes be retrofitted to existing buildings with careful planning and structural assessment. In Sidmouth we now have green roofs on bus shelters. Though they are small in size they demonstrate the potential for larger roofs.
- Water butts: These can be easily installed on most properties to collect rainwater from roofs. They can be either traditional above ground butts or alternatively underground tanks are possible.
- Swales: These can be incorporated into new developments or retrofitted into existing landscapes by creating gentle slopes and planting appropriate vegetation. Swales are designed to temporarily hold water which then percolates into the soil. They aren’t permanently wet and can be built into lawns and can be mown if correctly designed. Designed and correctly built they can be almost invisible to the naked eye, though some swale systems used in other countries are more ditch-like and hold water longer.
SUDS for Residential and Commercial Properties
SUDS principles can be applied to both residential and commercial properties. For example, a residential development might include rain gardens, permeable paving, and water butts. A commercial building could feature a green roof, rainwater harvesting for use in flushing toilets and infiltration basins.
By carefully considering the site-specific conditions and working with professionals where necessary, it’s possible to design or retrofit SUDS features into almost any property.
Creating a Sustainable Future
Embracing SUDS is not just about creating beautiful outdoor spaces; it’s about building a more resilient and sustainable future. By managing rainwater effectively, we can protect our environment, reduce the risk of flooding, and save money.
Would you like to explore specific SUDS designs for your property?
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or email jack@swellarchitecture.com
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